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  1. Camille (League of Legends) League of Legends Wiki Fandom

    Gameplay. Cosmetics. Audio. Patch History. Archive. Trivia. Camille is a champion in League of Legends. Adaptive Defenses goes on cooldown after the shield expires or is destroyed. The shield-typing is determined based on the total damage the target has dealt to champions that game...

  2. Camille (Character) League of Legends Wiki Fandom

    Lore. History. Published on 5 Nov 2019 (During V9.22). "Precision is the difference between a butcher and a surgeon." - Camille. Weaponized to operate outside the boundaries of the law, Camille is the Principal Intelligencer of Clan Ferros—an elegant and elite agent who ensures the Piltover machine...

  3. Camille: музыка, видео, статистика и фотографии Last.fm

    Camille (Камий), полное имя Камий Далме (1978, Париж) - французская певица, музыкант и актриса. Наряду с сольной карьерой выступает в коллективе Nouvelle Vague.


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